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Parent Toolkit
Parent Toolkit – All Ages
Free Online Parent Toolkits give you the necessary SafeSport information for your young athlete. Separated by age group or combined for all ages, these Toolkits help parents understand SafeSport best practices and how to respond to signs of abuse.
18 Year Old Athletes
Youth athletes who have turned 18 will need to take the adult training through AYSA and have it tracked via the appropriate AYSA form.
SafeSport Courses
Note that these courses are for parents and athletes only. The SafeSport courses required for adult coaches, referees, etc. are taken through their respective registration systems.
All of the courses outlined below can be accessed at the U.S. Center for SafeSport Trainings Page⧉.
Parent Courses
The Parent’s Guide to Misconduct in Sport is designed for the parents of athletes of all ages. This course explains the issues of misconduct in sport and helps parents ensure their children have a positive and safe sport experience. If you are a parent looking for resources on keeping your athlete safe, you can access this training at no cost. Simply create an account, add the parent training to your bag, and you’ll be able to access the training.
Athlete Courses
The U.S. Center for SafeSport Youth Athlete Training courses are free resources which include courses for children of preschool age; grades K-2; grades 3-5; middle school and high school. These online trainings are designed as an introduction for minor athletes and their parents or other caregivers to understand the importance of positive, welcoming environments in sports, where misconduct like bullying or abuse is less likely to happen, and to know where to report abuse, should it occur.
Each youth course requires that a parent/legal guardian create an account to provide consent for their child to access the training. Once an account is created, parents can choose which course is best for their child based on their actual or developmental age. Each course will take less than 30 minutes to complete. A writeable PDF certificate is available at the conclusion of each training, and parents are encouraged to create one bearing their child’s name.